Ms Moser likes to meet with every prospective family in person.  At this first meeting we will discuss: philosophy, expectations, supplies, instrument sizing, tuition, and any questions.  In addition the prospective student will have a trial lesson.  We will meet for approximately 45-60 minutes.   ($40)

As an older learner of the violin and never having played before, I needed an instructor with the patience, skill and understanding that I required. I found all of that in Mary Moser. She is amazing! Always warm, pleasant, positve, and encouraging. Even when I knew that I didn’t practice enough, or was not playing well that day, she always pointed out my good points. She gave me hope that I really could do it and that I was making great progress. Knowing her as a skilled violinist, excellent teacher, and a beautifull person has been my pleasure and joy. Thank you Mary!
— Anne (retired OB nurse)

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Jonathan Moser ~ ~ (610) 420 - 7222

Mary Moser ~ ~ (814) 824 - 9340